Window-Framed!: Virtual Mirror becomes a RayBan Reality

Innovation & imagination driving brand curiority, footfall and pounds in the till.


Crowds of curious shoppers jostle for a place in front of the virtual mirror outside the handful of Rayban Stores worldwide. Technology that has been a favourite online feature allows the willing to select their favourite classic Rayban shape and apply to their face. Once fixed to the face the frames follow the model as they twist and rotate their face in front of the camera.

The result is magnetic and instant window promotion, and in-store fame for the unwitting participant.

rayban-polarising-windows-ideal  rayban-polarising-windows-screen  rayban-polarising-windows-store-interior

Having trouble getting passers-by to stick to your windows?

Cutting Straight to the Customer: Stylish Stories & More

Join me on a stroll through a unique store experience…

& More Stories is a tale of creative product collections that breaks the mould of traditional fashion story grouping.

Fashion powerhouse H&M plays a strong hand in a format where the assortment is bought and displayed around personality and “style” and not fashion and trend. The retailer cuts straight to the customer with collections such as “Poetic & Dandy” and “Sophisticated & Architectural,” and whilst the desciption may not role off the tongue the stories are tight and focused combining fashion with accessories, jewellery with lingerie, beauty with boots. All is housed in an eco-friendly non-committal environment where every story tells a picture.
