Category: customer-engagement
The 6 Best Retail Strategies: No.5 Sustainability Strategies
in assortment structure planning, brave-words, customer-engagement, disruptive retail, internationalisation, meaning in the retail madness, packaging, product suppliers, recycling, renting, retail management, retail organisations, retail strategy, retail-regeneration, social savvy, supply-chains, sustainability, telling product storiesSustainability: Making more from less Time has long passed, from when a sustainable initiative was not much more than a smart marketing strategy. Sustainability has now irreversibly developed into something essential to establish commercial traction with many customers. Responsibility for sustainability has also shifted, from the marketing department to every department across a business. Products…
The 6 Best Retail Strategies: No.4 Physical Shop Strategies
in branding & visual communication, customer experience, customer service, customer-engagement, disruptive retail, impulse retailing, in-store services, meaning in the retail madness, new retail, omni-channel retailing, pop-up stores, retail, retail businesses, retail management, retail organisations, retail strategy, retail-regeneration, sales promotions & events, space management, space planning, store experience, store layout, store operations, store theatre, telling product stories, visual merchandising operations, vm compliance, vm operations, VM Selling Toolkit, VManalytics, windowsPhysical shops: Places in our hearts & minds COVID was supposed to be the death knoll for physical shops. It was of course immensely damaging and resulted in many shops closing and businesses folding. Customers naturally migrated to digital channels, some permanently and others temporarily. Despite the whole channel being closed, the physical shop, in…
- fabricating a new approach to furniture
in assortment structure planning, branding & visual communication, customer experience, customer service, customer-engagement, disruptive retail, home, meaning in the retail madness, new retail, omni-channel retailing, product suppliers, retail, retail businesses, retail management, retail organisations, retail strategy, social savvy, supply-chains, telling product was founded in 2010, as an online retail enterprise. As a product of recent times, it exhibits the same entrepreneurial culture, a desire to innovate, and an appetite to disrupt the traditional way of doing things in its own sector, as other digital-first businesses. Imagine a furniture concept that throws out the baggage of…
What are retail’s 6 ‘Astute Strategies‘
in accessories, analytics, assortment structure planning, branding & visual communication, customer experience, customer service, customer-engagement, disruptive retail, ethical retailing, fashion accessories, fast fashion, food & drink, footwear, health & beauty, high street planning, home, impulse retailing, in-store services, internationalisation, jewellery, kids fashion, ladies fashion, leisure & sport, location strategy, luxury, meaning in the retail madness, menswear, multi-category, new retail, omni-channel retailing, packaging, personalisation, pop-up stores, pre-loved, preorder, product suppliers, pureplay, re-sell, recycling, renting, retail, retail brand heritage, retail businesses, retail management, retail organisations, retail strategy, retail-regeneration, sales promotions & events, secondhand, shop of the future, social savvy, space management, space planning, store experience, store operations, store operations audits, store operations compliance, store theatre, supply-chains, sustainability, technology & electrical, town centre planning, value retailing, visual merchandising, visual merchandising operations, vm compliance, vm operationsCreating a balanced organisation, flexible process flows, and a culture for change will benefit you little, unless you channel these attributes correctly into the brightest opportunities. Every retailer will have different opportunities that will depend on the product and service sectors that they inhabit, the markets in which they operate, their level of ambition and…
Enable yourself for 21st century retail: How to think & act like a ‘Digital-first Retailer’
What is a Digital-first retailer? What does digital-first, or being digitally led, actually mean? They are the buzzwords of the moment, the latest in a lengthening line of technology originated expressions that have in turn become essential to retail. It is the supercharged increase in digital retail sales that has prompted a spiraling interest in…
Apple: a business designed on simplicity
in branding & visual communication, customer experience, customer service, customer-engagement, disruptive retail, internationalisation, location strategy, meaning in the retail madness, omni-channel retailing, social savvy, space management, space planning, store experience, store theatre, technology & electrical, telling product stories, windowsApple: a business designed on simplicity The best advice I ever received in Design College? Keep things as simple as possible. The temptation always when seeking beauty through design is to add more ‘beautiful’ elements to it. In fact, the way to design beauty is to be brave enough to remove as much as you…
Toms “One-for-One” Love: Fashionable Philanthropy
in accessories, assortment structure planning, branding & visual communication, customer service, customer-engagement, disruptive retail, ethical retailing, fashion accessories, footwear, internationalisation, omni-channel retailing, personalisation, Pinterest Gallery, retail, retail brand heritage, retail strategy, sales promotions & events, social savvy, sustainability, visual merchandisingInvention may be born from necessity but inspiration and originality comes from the addition of a commercial heart. In the rarefied atmosphere of true originality there are few names to pollute the pure air of brands such as Toms selling products to improve the world with every purchase. Its new stores are not only presenting…
Lush Pastures New: More than Merely Cosmetic
in assortment structure planning, branding & visual communication, customer experience, customer service, customer-engagement, health & beauty, impulse retailing, in-store services, packaging, personalisation, Pinterest Gallery, retail, retail brand heritage, retail strategy, sales promotions & events, social savvy, space management, space planning, store experience, store layout, store operations, store theatre, sustainability, telling product stories, visual merchandising, windowsSimply as a concept Lush began its life as one of the most innovative and exciting brands ever conceived. In a world of copycats and unsubtle insurgents it’s easy to forget that the idea of tasty toiletries dressed up as fresh fayre, chalk-boards championing cosmetic concoctions and bath-bombs transforming every aquatic adventure all came first…
Apple Digital Garden: A Natural Evolution
in branding & visual communication, customer experience, customer service, customer-engagement, disruptive retail, in-store services, internationalisation, leisure & sport, location strategy, omni-channel retailing, packaging, personalisation, Pinterest Gallery, product suppliers, retail, retail brand heritage, retail strategy, sales promotions & events, shop of the future, social savvy, space management, space planning, store experience, store layout, store operations, store theatre, technology & electrical, telling product stories, visual merchandising, windowsIt is a fair claim to say that Apple revolutionised retail just as it had with entertainment, work and communications channels before. This visionary business realised that the value of theatre and physical interaction was at the core of the retail experience; and that immediate sales were only a secondary objective for directly owned stores…
Centrifugal Celebration: Dyson’s Hair-Raising Experience
in branding & visual communication, customer experience, customer service, customer-engagement, disruptive retail, internationalisation, location strategy, packaging, Pinterest Gallery, product suppliers, retail, retail brand heritage, retail strategy, shop of the future, space planning, store experience, store layout, store theatre, technology & electrical, telling product stories, visual merchandising, windowsTo call the new Dyson experience on Oxford Street a museum would be to relegate its content to the realms on history whereas this celebration of centrifugal forces is a testament to the extraordinary inventions of the future. This world-renowned company has of course cut its technological teeth on sucking seamlessly and extraordinarily efficiently every…
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