Tag: #retail #retailstrategy #retailexperience #newretail #highstreets #ireland #healthfoods #sustainability #healthfood #independentretailers #health #retailintelligence #marketresearch
Why Independent Retailers need to be Less Independent!
in branding & visual communication, customer experience, customer service, customer-engagement, health & beauty, high street planning, location strategy, meaning in the retail madness, retail, retail brand heritage, retail businesses, retail management, retail organisations, retail strategy, retail-regeneration, store experience, sustainabilityIt was my great pleasure to be the guest of Health Stores Ireland, at their “Putting Our Best Foot Forward” gathering, in Shannon last weekend. The health store sector is perfectly placed to grow and flourish in a world where consumers are increasingly looking to be more proactive in their health, wellbeing, fitness, and mindfulness.…
Why Local Shopkeepers have more ‘Retail Intelligence’ than retail multiples!
Disruptive pureplay retailers have brought about an essential change to traditional business structures and processes. Well, ones that have watched and have quickly learned themselves. Best practice retail businesses now put the customer and customer data at the heart of the business. Customer centric & data centric. Everyday processes and new initiatives begin and end…
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For everyone looking to improve their physical shops,
or even thinking of opening their first pop-up or permanent shop,
we have written the ’52 Steps to the Perfect Shop!’ weekly newsletter, delivered direct to your inbox.
You too can have ‘The Perfect Shop’ by this time next year!