Not sure if you enjoy being sustainable? You need to get into the world of Loanhood. It’s a rental app with attitude, revelling unashamedly in the fun of fashion.   

Let’s face it, it can be difficult finding the right angle when talking to people about sustainability. Whilst no one doubts the desperate need for us to reduce the amount of clothing we buy, there is always the risk of being over-virtuous, and knowledgeable to the point of banality, in getting your message across. ‘Was that another disguised yawn?’ Most of us have been there.

Loanhood is a new rental brand that does not have that problem. It is injecting passion and excitement into the market, by focusing hedonistically on the joyous fun of fashion renting.

The brand was started by 3 girls at the beginning of their fashion careers Jade McSorely, Jen Charon and Lucy Hall. Even at that early stage they realised that they didn’t belong in the exploitative industry that we all know fashion can be. They discovered another way. Loanhood was born.

Their key to getting people enthused is by focusing on the benefits, for everyone, including the planet. It has built up a community, where fashion is dynamic, constantly passing through different hands, allowing maximum numbers of people, to enjoy endless now styles, from a sustainable pool of rentable garments.

The community is key, because everyone is both a loaner and a borrower. That’s where the dynamic is generated. When you loan, you make cash renting out your style. When you borrow, you are buying less, but wearing more. Everyone ‘keeps the fashion flowing.’

Personally, I love their brand statements. More businesses should have them, but not bland platitudes poured over by marketing teams, but those from the heart. Exciting new brands should be built from passion. Brand statements should communicate that passion.

“We want to fix fashion, but let’s face it we still want our fashion fix!” Nicely put.

And the wider sustainable benefits speak for themselves.

LOANHOOD is collectively reducing fashion consumption
LOANHOOD is prolonging the lifespan of clothing by championing creativity and style over newness
LOANHOOD is reducing the environmental impact of clothing by collectively increasing the number of times garments are worn
LOANHOOD is reducing the cost per wear of garments by enabling you to get a return on your investment through rental

Sadly, neither my taste, nor my conservative wardrobe, would be up to the job on the Loanhood app. But for all those who love to style, and change that style often, even to the point of being fashion leaders in the community, then maybe renting and borrowing on Loanhood is right for you. I hope so.

Sustainable fashion, through recycling, re-using, re-pairing, re-wearing, and definitely renting, is morphing from a virtuous activity into a fun and meaningful lifestyle. Rental is being transformed from a way to wear something that is otherwise unaffordable, into to an economic model that allows the fast-fashion generation to enjoy clothes, buy less, save money…and yes, be sustainable.

So perhaps, the next time you discuss the complexities of saving the planet with someone new, maybe they simply won’t be able to take their eyes off you!