How to be an essential retailer

Every retailer must now be essential, supporting the emotional lifestyle and well-being of the customer, as well as simply supplying products.
‘Meaning in the Retail Madness’ explains how touchpoints have replaced channels, how linear supply chains will become circular, why assortments are increasingly virtual, how physical is turning to local, and why products and shops are not necessarily made for each other anymore.
It supplies a blueprint for retail’s new ‘agile organisation,’ its structure and its processes. How retail must integrate people with technology, generate commercial sales through sustainability, stimulate customer loyalty through ethical behaviour, and achieve profit without profiteering.

How to flourish in…’The Life & Times of the Essential Retailer

Richly illustrated throughout with original sketches and diagrams it will visually stimulate and educate a wide variety of readers from seasoned professionals and retail entrepreneurs to retail creatives, technologists, facilitators, and informed customers, across three fundamentals themes.

  1. How to flourish in…’The Life & Times of the Essential Retailer’
  2. How to evolve into…’Agile organisations’
  3. How to adopt…’Astute Strategies’

The ‘Z to A’ of Retail Disruption

As the ‘Z to A’ of Retail Disruption it includes over 90 Retailer Insights – from Zara to Amazon, Zalando to Aldi, and 70 Action Plans – from ‘Zooming & Zoning’ to ‘Allocation & AI.’

‘Meaning in the Retail Madness’ also considers the wider retail context and how buying & selling effects society and local communities, the supply chain and sustainability, customer relationships and loyalty. It explains why retail must finally embrace ethical standards, environment, sustainability & governance. This book is written for retailers and their business and supply partners, but equally for the powerful and rapidly emerging ‘informed customer.’

‘Meaning in the Retail Madness’ is a book of its times, that will remain a guide and inspiration for years to come.

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‘Meaning in the Retail Madness’ is available by ‘Print on Demand (POD)’

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You may need to wait a few more days for your book but it will be worth all our whiles.

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‘Meaning in the Retail Madness’ should be available through all your major online bookstores, wherever you are in the world. Please follow the links below for the most popular retailers.

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Enjoy your read.