Category: social savvy
Personalised Promotional Activity for OmniChannel Customers
What has always been the most important thing when communicating with customers?The answer is relevance. A promotional message that is given in “the right place at the right time” is relevant to the customer, is of benefit and will deliver a sale – the customer will shake your hand. Equally a promotional message which…
Automotivation: Rockar’s Super Highway Hyundai Boutique
In a sector well overdue for its service, a new arrival in the market is taking off the handbrake on retail innovation and hurtling headlong into the comfortably parked parade of traditional car show-rooms. In partnership with Hyundai, no slouch off the starting blocks itself, the Rockar dealership has introduced its first omni-channel experience…
Underground Connection: A New World in Old Street
In an area of London not short of innovation, and with retail delights and surprises bursting out of every industrial alley way and distressed doorway, the newest players are moving underground, taking residence amongst the newsagents and cobblers of Old Street Station. Just arrived on the Northern line, F is the new pop-up store from…
Soho Alive & Kicking: The Jimi Hendrix Experience
Soho returning to its roots as the 21st Century Jimi Hendrix experience returns to its streets, for a few weeks at least. “People, Hell & Angels” is the latest and most authentic posthumous album from the 60’s guitar hero. And to launch the album a unique Pop-up shop has arrived just off Carnaby Street,…
Proof of the Pudding: “Rice is certainly not skin deep!”
Cast away those pungent memories of school dinner halls – the world has changed. Scratch the surface and “rice is certainly not skin deep.” Rice to Riches takes a staple of world diet and explodes it into popular culture with imagination, humour and a degree of good taste. If its possible to do so…
Pre-Rapha-lite Revolutuons : Art on Two Wheels
The Rapha showcase store in London’s Soho lives the beautiful life on 2 wheels and is a meeting place, a discussion point, a destination for reverence of the ultimate cycle brand. Customer experience is core as product excellence blends with expertise and adrenaline for an atmosphere of true-life experiences and coffee with conviviality as cycle…
A Sonic Site for Sore Eyes is Music to Your Urbanears
The myriad of messages are presented in a beautifully simple and stylish way allowing the customer to select by lilac, lemon or whatever hue is particularly you. Limited editions combine function and fashion, with the superbly subtly coloured Pumpkin capturing amber audio ambiance ideal for your autumn activities. Environmental credentials are encapsulated by Platten,…
Does anyone remember “window shopping?”
In the high-paced multi-channel marais in which we live and shop we have become transfixed with “show-rooming, web-rooming” and an array of other social behaviour terminologies expressing every expression of our complex lives. For those with a vaguely nostalgic air, however, window-shopping was a regular part of our social schedule, a major inspiration behind the enjoyment…
Creative Souls of Fashion@ ASOS’s Fashion Finders
The mother of online fashion becomes a cradle for the daughters of today’s trends and looks. In the ASOS Fashion Finder what was editorial and schedules has become responsive and dynamic in what is becoming the most informative and engaging relationship between any retailer and its customers. Revolutionising and re-mixing the magazine formula the…
Primania: Primark’s Personal Promotion Machine
E-commerce is not for every retailer, but social marketing certainly is. Primark has experimented with online selling in collaboration with ASOS, but with an average item value so low the economics just didn’t add up. So how can the Primark retail powerhouse engage with the digital world and sell to a wider audience? Along…
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weekly newsletter
For everyone looking to improve their physical shops,
or even thinking of opening their first pop-up or permanent shop,
we have written the ’52 Steps to the Perfect Shop!’ weekly newsletter, delivered direct to your inbox.
You too can have ‘The Perfect Shop’ by this time next year!