Amazon River Island: Blowing the Whistle on the World Cup

No stone unturned on the perpetually flowing river-bed of life at River Island.



At a time when ladies fashion stores may have turned to licking their wounds from a month fighting the football distractions of the Brazilian jungle, River Island embraced the colour and culture of the region, putting up a typically topical performance.

In a game of two halves, ladies summer assortment adorned with the Latin touches of South America was showcased in windows, whilst summer casual shirts and shorts competed with clarity in the menswear jungle. Vibrant window masks created a suitable setting whilst larger than life referee whistles adorned by mannequins, signalled the kick-off of the great River Island World Cup Carnival.

An island of fashion in the summer soccer scene of 2014.


river-island-amazon-summer-window river-island-amazon-summer-womens-window river-island-amazon-summer-blowing-the-whistle