I may not fall within the usual customer profile demographic of Rituals, but i find myself mesmorised by the beauty of their shops. I always find myself pulled inside.
It would seem that in a world where many commercial retailers have either forgotten, or are simple unaware, of the emotional power on customers, of outstanding shop design and stunning visual merchandising, that Rituals remains a shining light.
The fact is what they do is not easy. There is an immense amount of imagination, creativity and practical skill in delivering beautiful shops. And the acquisition and harmonising of such skills can be complex and frustrating.
It requires time, patient, commitment and a willingness to invest in people, products and places. Rituals clearly has all of these attributes.
For me, the show-stopper in their armory is lighting. That is why their store at Battersea is perfect for the brand. Not only are there no windows in the store, no external light source to dilute the internal lighting. Battersea Power Station as a centre is devoid of external light.
As such the whole building, the concept and the space must be painted with light in every atrium, around every corner.
Rituals’ light show begins with spotlights that flood the walkway outside the shop, casting shadows an shapes into the footsteps of passes by.
Inside, of course, we need something to light. The opening salvo is a stunning white blossom tree. If you entering the store half-heartedly before this point, you are fully enthralled by this point.
Every element of the Rituals proposition is carefully considered and delivered as a thing of sensual beauty. Perfect studies in colour and texture for the extensive spotlighting that creates a landscape of shape and depth throughout the store space.
Each wall and floor section is a clear proposition to explore. Signage, information, props, packaging all work in harmony, opening up the store like the pages of a book.
And so there must end my obsession with Rituals for now. But needless to say that if you pass any of their stores, anywhere, resist temptation and enter to receive a masterclass in physical and emotional retailing.
Is there a more beautifully lit shop in London at the moment?
There may be bigger shops, more sophisticated lighting technologies…but i doubt anything with the theatre and customer intimacy of Rituals.
Treat yourselves…
See more images of Rituals on Pinterest…

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