Category: store operations compliance
“The Story of the Old Shop, the New Shop & the Other Shop!”
Now the story I’m about to tell is a true story, and its a story about one of the UK’s biggest retailing businesses. They shall remain nameless as their identity is not the issue but to illustrate that improvements are always there even amongst the most seasoned operators. The retail business had in place…
The 9th Joy of a Retail Spring: Delivering a VMToolkit to Control Stores
Every retailer is different, and in most cases every store is different, from the obvious variations of culture and taste in an international portfolio, the clear operational issues between directly owned stores and wholesale partners, to the more subtle challenges of different store manager personalities and store personnel attitudes. All this requires retailers to create…
3rd Joy of a Retail Spring – How much product in my stores?
Space planning & visual merchandising are the two cornerstones on which an attractive and commercial store are built At the heart of this is the eternal question – “How much product should I put in my store?” Get space planning wrong, allocate product incorrectly or deliver visual merchandising operations inefficiently and a store will never…
When will head office let me get on with my job?
Store Managers headache no.03 When will head office let me get on with my job? Instant messaging, store operations and the blessing and curse of constant communication For many retailers with multiple outlets, and any retailer with a wide store geography, international portfolio and a combination of direct and franchise operations, direct communication tools…
10 ways to make more money from stores: No.1 ‘Rules & Conquer!’
It was Les Wexner founder of the Limited group, a man responsible for the success of some of the most iconic of fashion retailers from Victoria’s Secret to Express, from Abercrombie & Fitch to Bath & Body Works and quite possibly the first retail guru, who said that “retail is detail” He was right and…
Why can’t head office communicate to stores in a coordinated way?
“Headaches of a Store Manager…No2” Why can’t head office communicate to stores in one coordinated way? An inbox audit of any store manager’s email system will reveal instantly how well, or not, communication to stores is organised, channelled, filtered and prioritised. Common headaches apart from sheer volume of messages are repeated messages from different…
“What on earth is happening in my stores?!”
“How can I actually know for certain what is happening in my stores and what my customers are doing, and so ultimately know what to do to improve their experience and my commerciality?” It is still a widespread scenario that head office retail functions do not know what is happening hour after hour, day…
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For everyone looking to improve their physical shops,
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