Category: assortment structure planning
Primark Pillow Talk: Delighting the Divas of the Duvet
In the strange world between day and night, asleep and awake, a battle is underway, from underwear to outerwear, for the hearts and minds, for the pennies and the pounds, that make up the slumbering giant that is loungewear. The beast goes by different names from the familiar lounge wear, through home wear, day…
Fat Face Blossoms: The Brand Next Door becomes a thing of Beauty
As brands are born and breathe into life, they experience the growing pains that often make them appear unattractive and awkward in public, a sum of evolving parts learning to live together, to be a thing of beauty and harmony. There are always traits to admire, details to delight but the sum of the parts…
Ale House Rocks: Hip-hopping impulse shopping
Famous for its half-in half-out life-size plastic cows, catching by surprise the passer-by, herding them helplessly into the green pastures of impulse grazing, the power of Ale-Hop lays in its meticulously constructed category assortment. No hollow gesture, Ale-Hop literally bursts with colour and creativity. Never have so many of so few made such a…
The Retail Relay: “Running a 3-legged race, in a 4 leg event?”
“A chain is as strong as its weakest link” could never be more appropriate than the chain of events that transforms a retail strategy into a store full of tangible, buyable products. “And what the customer sees and responds to is unfortunately the result of the weakest link, not the strongest one!” To achieve…
Spanish Impresario: Stradivarius’ Virtuoso Performance
Stradivarius makes its first public performance in the biggest venue in town, Westfield Stratford, as the Inditex family sends forth another member making “bridgeheads” and “inroads” into the UK mainland. As with all consummate professionals Stradivarius can’t fail to impress and delight its audience as it pitches the high notes of current fashion, with…
Seasonal Selfridges: Winter in a Tourist Wonderland
Christmas comes but once a year, and so do tourists. So, with this in mind, and with the usual indomitable Selfridge’s spirit, the Winter Wonderland has already arrived in anticipation of those seasonal September sales. Globetrotters in search of gifts and glitter are falling over themselves heading for the fourth floor to immerse themselves…
Defining Desigual: Putting a Price on Personality
Always the unashamed showcase for unique creativity and distinct colour combinations and designs, Desigual sometimes felt like the awkward overdressed guest at the party that was the hugely successful Spanish high street. Against the mass market commercial appeal of its rivals, their fast fashion footwork, and intelligent interpretations of the catwalk, Desigual had many admirers,…
Home Successaries: Zara puts its House in Order
The attraction of Zara Home could never be denied for the fashion conscious householder with a desire to decorate their rooms with a stylish mix of distinctive design and a spectrum of colour basics. In line with Inditex’s clothing concepts, Zara home combined eye catching image makers with a core assortment of products appropriate for…
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