Le Labo is one cool, expensive perfumery retailer. Its origins are in France – hence “The Lab” – and it draws its inspiration from the halcyon days of perfumeries of the 19th & early 20th centuries.

However Le Labo is not just about exquisite scents & smells but is very cleverly put together. As a brand it hits many of the sweet notes that come together to deliver a really successful business in today’s competitive market.


Originally individual perfumes were for both men and women. It was only in the 20th century that bright sparks in the commercial departments of perfume houses hit upon the idea of different scents for either sex, creating a larger market of colognes, after-shaves, toilet waters and perfumes.

Le Labo creates authority and authenticity by going back to the original concept. It has a limited but carefully curated selection of 16 scents ranging in strength and in ingredients to offer something for everyone. As they say – the limit to wearing any of the scents is your confidence as a man or woman.

So whilst not actually a business with a couple of centuries behind it, its concept and faith in authenticity counts a lot in our quickly developing anti-mass market world.


“Le Labo” literally justifies its label. Every store features a small laboratory complete with white coats and test tubes and teat pipettes (remember those?)

Once the customer has chosen their scent then the boys at the back get down to creating your scent in around ten minutes, in front of your very eyes. Craftsmanship in action.


Whilst customers aren’t able to mix the raw ingredients in any combinations they want, the whole process is intimate and personal. The selection process has a one-to-one chemistry and after your potion has been mixed you can select the label message and gift card inscription to make the bottle truly yours, or in deed someone else’s.

Efficient Supply Chain:

The true beauty of Le Labo, despite all its wonderful charm is the fact that it has one of the most efficient and least wasteful production processes you can imagine. So, not only is every perfume freshly made, but the core ingredients are never mixed on speculative purchases but only after a customer commitment and payment. As a result wastage is minimal and raw ingredients can not only be ordered in anticipated ratios but are ultimately used only on demand

Altogether Le Labo has the potential of a profit making business. Efficient production process, personalisation, customer engagement & experience wrapped up in the brand bundle of authenticity.

When in the city, check one out. You won’t be disappointed if you want to impress.


Are you adding customer experience and emotion into your brand?

Are there ways to increase the efficiency of your production process?