The Scenario:
Alessi is a unique business that specialises in producing home furnishing pieces produced through collaboration with some of the world’s most talented product designers & architects. Many of their designs are instantly recogniseable. They have more designs in the New York Museum of Modern Art than any other brand.
Alessi wanted help in how to deliver own-brand direct stores in parallel with shop-in-shop areas in major retailers.

What we did:
We analysed existing Alessi standalone shops and concessions, as well as best practice home furnishing and decor businesses. We then worked with Alessi to deliver trials in layout, VM, assortment & communication in its shops.

“I have never worked with a brand that didn’t have amazing secrets that it should be communicating to the customer.
I have never worked with a brand that has more extraordinary secrets than Alessi. Sadly these secrets were truly hidden within a mass of anonymous product displays.
Often the key is to reduce product densities. To take away the visual distractions and blur of too many messages all talking at the same time about too many things.
A dynamic retail calendar is an essential so that there is breathing space for the amazing, the extraordinary and the beautiful to shine for a time. Alessi can talk forever.”
Tim Radley. Founder RETAILMEANING

What we achieved:
We delivered tested blueprints for improved brand recognition and product sales in both direct shops and shop-in-shops.
The blueprints included assortment densities, assortment grouping & stories, fixtures, visual merchandising & story telling, visual communication, campaign calenders and window treatments.
Central to the project was to ‘show-off’ to customers the extraordinary design heritage that Alessi has.
What we can all learn from this…
“Identify the amazing secrets and stories within your business. Be proud and communicate your brand with clarity & simplicity.’”
Tim Radley. Founder RetailMeaning