Famous for its half-in half-out life-size plastic cows, catching by surprise the passer-by, herding them helplessly into the green pastures of impulse grazing, the power of Ale-Hop lays in its meticulously constructed category assortment.


No hollow gesture, Ale-Hop literally bursts with colour and creativity. Never have so many of so few made such a visual impact as in the explosion of excitement that literally fills every wall with Wow! Each proposition is powerful and bold, proof that underneath the apparent anarchy a slide rule strategy is applied option by option, colour by colour, product enhancement by profit-producing product enhancement.

The simplicity of each display, built around a commercially selected core offer, is enhanced and supported by a laser sharp spectrum of colour combining classic best sellers, basic designs and just enough of a sprinkling of eye-catching candy to satisfy the taste for temptation, without running the risk of overload.

The store is neutral, the furniture anonymous, allowing the product itself to do the talking, filling every meticulous metre of space from a myriad of Perspex boxes or a multitude of metal pins. However fun and frivolity are never far away, from the appearance of the afore-mentioned heffer, to the supersize slippers, novelty sunglasses, saucy sunware and the omni-present if decidedly seedy selection of sex toys.

Visit the Ale-Hop and let yourself be intoxicated.



How well do you combine commercialism and creativity?

Is your assortment structure planning in need of a slide-rule overhaul ?