I have written this book for anyone who wants to consider the alternatives to the familiar,
misguided and destructive retail strategies that many retailers still persevere with.

Retail leaders & professionals, commercial entrepreneurs & accidental retailers, consumer brands, shop owners, managers & colleagues,
product suppliers, growers, manufacturers & craftspeople, landlords, designers, social marketers and informed customers.

Insightful read – highly recommend. Detailed read with lots of helpful illustrations, practical advice and case studies that bring the key learnings to life without being too theoretical or heavy.
Tim clearly has bags of experience in retail to share with the reader, I’ve learnt a lot about disrupting the business and being an essential retailer!.”

Sarah G.

5.0 out of 5 stars This book is more relevant now than ever. As the title alludes to, even with 25 years of retail design experience, this book is an essential must have. A life time of experience packaged in a clear, simple and methodical way.

Many publications about this subject tend to be whimsical speculation, but founded on front-line experience this book collates relevant/current case studies and pairs them with simple action plans and guidelines.”

Jolyon N.


Expert but accessible, a book for everyone. I’d recommend everyone from buyers to shop assistants to read this book. I really liked its structure, which starts by looking at the retail environment today, then at the organisations themselves and then the strategies they undertake. It’s completely logical. There is a good depth of knowledge, but it is explained clearly and very visually so it’s interesting at any level. The illustrations and diagrams are also amazing! I now feel more informed as a shopper – thank you so much.”

Alice R.


Invaluable read and resource! This book is not just for reading though!
This is a great resource book, full of considered industry insights, and is really useful for enhancing staff training and engagement: currently doing the rounds with my colleagues at the ‘shop face’! … thoroughly recommended”

Celia L.


‘Meaning in the Retail Madness’

“Wonderful Read !!” – Sarah R.