The Scenario:

Dun Loaghaire is a town on the Irish coast below Dublin. With a beautiful sea-front and harbour it was until recently a bustling town centre and shopping destination.
Customer footfall has declined due to new shopping centres nearby and a rejuvenated Dublin.
The town required a Retail Strategy to create a vibrant town once more for residents and visitors.

Fast food in a female hand with red manicure close-up

What we did:

We delivered a Retail Strategy Plan for Dun Loaghaire. ‘The Radley Report’ was a combination of qualitative analysis of the shopping proposition, benchmarking of competitor and best practice locations, and a vision for the future.

“Parking it seems is always to blame for lower footfall. In fact the loss of customers was because the retail proposition was unbalanced and what was remaining had become poor and complacent.

‘There simply were not enough good shops in the town. And it was no longer enjoyable to be in the town centre.’

Pruning was required, but also support and funds to help a rich variety of local shops to improve and become retail destinations in their own right.”

What we achieved: