The Scenario:

Ferrari is one of the most famous brands in the world. It has developed a diverse range of additional products to generate sales across its many groups of fans for whom the Ferrari cars are out of reach.
Ferrari wanted guidance on how to present and communicate its brand through their shops, across its physical estate and through its social presence.
An omni-channel marketing plan was central to their requirements.

What we did:

We analysed the Ferrari proposition and benchmarked retail calendars of best practice competition. From this point we evolved a Ferrari dynamic plan, identifying 3 core customer groups, defined product specific calendars, messages and mechanics, as well as in-store dynamics.

“Retail marketing plans and delivery mechanisms are incredibly complex in this technology driven age.

However success is largely based on a few simple fundamental principles – selling the right product, to the right people, at the right time.

These essentials are built around knowing your customer(s), and knowing your products and how these two combine most naturally.
Then to find the emotional mechanisms which bring people & products together.

That’s when we turn to much of the technology that we use – to put our plan into action.”

What we achieved: